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If You Fall reviews

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Kelly Shann
Life Journey

“If You Fall” will inspire you to overcome any challenges you may face through hearing Tracey’s words of resilience and courage following a horse riding accident which left her in a coma for 8 weeks.  Her family were told she would live the rest of her life in a vegetative state but they never gave up hope – a hope steeped in love which no doubt permeated to the depths of her soul and brought her back to where she belonged.

Coffee Road Mobile Café Ninny's Num Nums

So real and so raw .... such courage and tenacity.

Patsy Clayton

I can truly relate to Tracey’s compelling. Story of such tragedy. After losing my husband in the 2004 Thailand Tsunami and being a survivor myself, then having to go on with life without my husband, which never gets easier. This book will truly put life’s struggles into perspective. From strength to strength and with pure determination anything is possible. I am blessed to know Tracey and did not realise some of what she went through, this in itself takes a special kind of person to overcome such tragedy and still be smiling at the end of it all. I have a whole new respect for this gritty determined woman after reading this story. Forever proud of you, Tracey.

Lindsay Mulcahy

Well where do I start. This book is a true testament to let people know that anything is possible, no matter how bad you think you have it. I am fortunate enough to have known Tracey prior to her accident. What was she like you may ask, well she hasn’t changed to much to me apart from some physical differences that she now has. She has to work out how to do things a lot different. But Tracey to me is an inspiration. She is still a funny bugger, loves a drink & a party, loves her horses & is a wonderful Friend, Mother & Wife. Knowing of Tracey’s accident, I spent as much time as I could going to visit her in hospital. In this time Michael, Tracey’s husband & I got to become great friends. Hearing the news that they thought there was not much hope for Tracey to lead a normal life let alone come out of her coma was gut-wrenching. Not for one moment did I believe this, as I always knew she was a stubborn & determined person. When Tracey was in her coma I would talk & joke to her & put cheek on her the same way I did prior to her accident. I knew she wouldn’t want it any other way. In the meantime, poor Michael had to put up with me making jokes & reassuring him that my buddy would come good & that I was going to get in while I could by giving her some cheek as she was always so quick-witted you had to be pretty dam quick to get in before her when it came to joking around.

After having a horse riding accident the last thing you would think is that Tracey would get back on a horse, but I always knew she wouldn’t be happy unless this happened. The day it happened Tracey was at our place & with mixed emotions of nerves & excitement it happened. We loaded Tracey up the loading ramp to get her on the horse, the look on her face was priceless she was finally back where she wanted to be. Tracey is such an inspiration, never complained & went on with life playing the new cards she had been dealt. I am honoured to call Tracey & Michael my friends & Godmother to their two great kids Jacob & Rachael.

Cassie Widjaja
Readers' Favourite 

If You Fall by Tracey Liftin is an incredibly compelling memoir that focuses on the journey of healing and picking oneself back up off the ground. After a horse-riding accident put her in a coma for two months, Tracey struggles to pick up the shattered pieces of her life as she relearns how to become independent. Tracey's raw determination and strength are put to the test as she fights to overcome third nerve palsy and the other gazillion problems that cropped up after the accident. With her family's overwhelming support, she slowly heals and eventually achieves her goal of getting back on her beloved horse, proving to the world and herself that her issues did not win in the end. 

Survival against all the odds perfectly describes If You Fall. Tracey Litfin's unique voice shines through her genuine storytelling that will attract anyone and everyone. Tracey did an incredible job conveying the emotions she felt after the accident. Refusing to hide her frustration or the seemingly dead ends she encountered, Tracey delivers a complete story and teaches us that healing is not a linear process. Even though I had never heard of third nerve palsy or dysarthria, Tracey explained her medical problems clearly, putting them into terms that anyone could understand. By reading this book, I learned that we should be thankful for the little things in life, as Tracey probably never imagined that she would struggle to get dressed at twenty-one years of age. If you're looking for an inspirational book, this one is for you! 

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