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  • Writer's pictureTracey Litfin

Exercising with ‘problems’!

As a child growing up, I was quite often involved in active through sport. I remember Saturday mornings going to local towns and participating in one of ‘midgets’ or ‘cadets’ grades of netball. That is … until I got too busy working on the farm. I remember also, later on, Mum taking me into Goomeri, to participate in the local Touch Football competition one night a week through the week. Touch Football and Netball are both sports that I enjoyed and like to play.

In later years, I didn’t get to participate in these two sports as much as I would have liked to, because I was too busy working at home on the farm. When I moved out to Dalby, to go to Ag College – I was fortunate enough to be involved in the Ag College team, in both of these sports. I loved my Wednesday nights whilst I was at Ag College. I also loved Thursday nights. This was because I was able to participate in these sports. After I finished Ag College, and before my accident, which was a time period of roughly 10 months, I was so busy with work that I didn’t even have time to think about participating in any sport.

When I was recovering from my accident, I often felt that I was extremely lucky, even to be able to walk! Truth be told, in the 18 years since my accident, I have not once, ran. I am too nervous to even try. I am quite sure that I would end up ‘splat’ on the ground! The fact that I am not able to run, means that I am not able to participate in either of these sports.

So still wanting to be active, I have tried going for walks. Over the years, this has been something that I have done on and off, in view of being active, to try and help lose weight. It is something that I do in the morning, five days a week, at the moment. Once Michael goes to work, at the feedlot, on a weekday morning, I go and get dressed and hit the road. At the moment, I walk 2.1 km a day, 5 days per week. Michael starts work by 6.00 am. He usually leaves to go to work by 5.45 am, as we only live about 10 km from work. As soon as Michael goes to work, I usually go and get dressed and head on up the road that we live on.

Exercising with problems: off for a morning walk. Morning exercise

Off for a walk on this fine morning! It stormed last night and everything is nice and fresh this morning.

I meet my neighbour on the way, 3 out of 5 mornings. Her husband also works at the feedlot. We walk to the end of the road that we live on and back again. We are lucky that we live in a quiet country area and there are only 3 families that live on this road! I am able to get back from my walk in time to have a shower and clean the kitchen and ensure my kids are up and getting ready for school!

In my book, I mentioned ‘Dance Fitness’. This is an activity that I love. I have been participating regularly in dance fitness classes for over 5 years now! I attend every class that is available. Which currently, is twice a week. Once in my local area of Tansey. And once at a neighbouring town of Kilkivan, which is twenty minutes’ drive from where I live. Although this is a type of exercise class, (which when I was growing up, I never thought that I would be interested in attending an exercise class) I love it! If dance fitness was available every day of the week, you probably would find me at every single class!

Exercising with problems: off for a morning walk. Morning exercise

Part of the road on which I walk - on my morning walks.

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